Monday 13 January 2014

Fees, Homework, etc.

Dear Parents,

Happy New Year to you all, and best wishes for this forthcoming Year.

1. A reminder that Term 2 Fees  are now due.   There will be members of the Parents Committee available to collect fees and issue receipts at the beginning and at the end of Friday and Saturday Greek School classes, as well as help you with any other queries.

2. May we also remind you that all children should be taken up to their classroom at the start of their Greek School Lesson by their parents, as well as collected from their classroom (upstairs) at the end of lessons.  This is so that you can familiarise yourselves with your child's teacher and be kept up-dated with any necessary information/details that your child's teachers may issue, and in addition, it gives all parents the opportunity to discuss your child's learning or any issues you may have  quickly before/after the lessons  if needed.   It is really important that you have regular (short) dialogues with your child's teacher to discuss their learning so that your child gets the best possible Greek school education. 

3. Finally, Homework is set EVERY week. Some classes (Saturday classes) may have Homework journals where the children will have written their weekly HW . Other classes have their HW written in their exercise book. We would appreciate your support in making sure that your child completes the HW tasks set and we would like all parents to sign their child's HW (in the margin of their books) or in the Journal, to show that  they have completed it.  Again, if you have any queries regarding HW, please speak to your child's teacher in person. Homework is again a vital tool in helping our children become Independent Learners in their Greek education. If Homework is not completed carefully, this may prevent your child fully achieving to the best of their ability.

Thanks once again for your support as always, and please do hot hesitate to contact us for any questions/queries you may have.


The Parents Committee

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